Tom Liu

I’m Tom, a junior in engineering. I usually dislike politicians too, but when I heard about the opportunity to run for engineering UA, I felt a twinge of excitement that I long thought was crushed by the weight of Penn. As we all know, despite its excellence, our school does have its share of problems, and I desperately want to do something about them. However, I will not make any lofty promises with the intention of potentially secure a few votes (I would make lofty promises if it could secure a lot of votes though); big issues on campus like mental health are often complex and require more than a 200 word statement to fully flesh out. What we need instead are people who aren’t afraid to do something when the opportunity is there. Members on the UA regularly skip past the bureaucracy that has posed a challenge to getting our voices heard, and they directly speak with people in administration that have actual impact on the policies at our school. I want to be part of that. Anyway, here’s why you should vote for me: first, I will do everything to oh wait I think I’ve reached my last